Summer Foods: Dos And Don’ts

Posted by Dr. Meagan 2022-07-05

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Summer is a fantastic time to enjoy delicious food. From state fairs to family barbecues, from beach trips with delicious seafood to summer camps, there are many culinary treats that are best enjoyed in the summer months. For those with braces, however, it is important to steer clear of certain foods. Consider this your summer food guide from your friendly Snellville Orthodontist.

Foods To Avoid This Summer

Most orthodontic appliances have certain restrictions regarding the foods that you can eat. INBRACE is a great alternative to traditional braces, with an invisible look, as they are located behind the teeth, that will allow you to show off your gorgeous smile all summer. Take that into account when attending a barbecue or event where you know there will be delicious food. For those with traditional braces, your Orthodontist in Atlanta strongly recommends that you avoid the following foods.

Corn On The Cob

Nothing says summer like corn on the cob with a bit of butter and salt. However, biting into corn on the cob could damage your Snellville braces and will almost certainly leave you with corn kernels stuck between your teeth. There is still a way to enjoy it, simply remove the corn from the cob first, then dig in!


Saltwater taffy is one of our beach favorites but is definitely too sticky for people with braces. Find an alternative sweet treat for all your boardwalk strolls. Dr. Meagan recommends trying soft gummy bears, chocolates, M&Ms, or peanut butter cups when your sweet tooth hits.


An ice-cold beverage can be the perfect antidote to a hot summer day. If you’re in the habit of crunching your ice cubes, it’s time to stop! This can slow the progress of your orthodontic treatment and result in you needing an emergency visit to us. Instead, add crushed ice to your beverage or stick a frosty mug into the freezer before serving.


Like corn on the cob, popcorn kernels can be tough on teeth.

Braces-Friendly Summer Foods

Now that you’ve become an expert in what not to eat with braces this summer, you’re probably wondering what foods you can safely enjoy. Thankfully, there are tons of tasty summer treats you can eat with braces in Atlanta, so you’ll never feel like you’re missing out. Soft foods will be your go-to during treatment. Summer favorites like baked potatoes, sweet potato wedges or potato salad are all staples of any braces-friendly diet. The same goes for other soft foods like yogurt, pudding, steamed veggies, milkshakes, ice cream and smoothies. Cold foods in particular are great for braces because they can soothe sensitive gums and give relief to the wire, especially right after any adjustments.

Grilled Meats

Chicken, fish, pork, shrimp and hamburgers with a soft bun are great foods to eat during summer, especially fresh off the grill. Remember to avoid any chewy hard foods like steak or beef jerky.

Summer Side Dishes

Go for veggie skewers, salads, baked beans or even chili.

If You Do Indulge

Everyone needs to indulge a little bit at some time or another. Of course, you should always abide by the guidelines set by Silver Smiles Orthodontics (e.g., never chew on ice cubes or crunch on hard candies, which can damage your braces). If you do enjoy a sugary or slightly sticky snack, make sure you carefully care for your teeth afterward. Brush and floss your teeth, using a floss threader to get between your brackets to remove any debris. Swishing with mouthwash is another good way to kill germs that may linger in hard-to-reach places. For our top tips on caring for your braces while traveling this summer, check out our Summer Travel & Braces blog!

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